Women RISE

In a world, where women are discriminated because of their gender, undervalued in their leadership potential and often overloaded by the many responsibilities of managing work and family duties, the project Women Rise calls for spaces to regenerate women and find new motivation to follow the deeper intention that is hidden in their hearts.

This is particularly true for women that are in the transition phase – around 50 years of age – characterised by many physical, social, relational and emotional changes. The project Women Rise calls for women that feel the need of a new orientation in life and a support to engage into their “second spring”.

There are different opportunities to be part of the project:

By joining the Women RISE encounters in Vienna

Change does not necessarily need to be tiring, serious and tedious. Actually a nice environment and committed people are of great support in change processes, where women feel safe, accepted and have a sense of belonging to a common humanity that express itself in each of us.

With this in mind the 5 monthly gatherings are hosted in the Heuriger Schübel-Auer in Vienna with dinner and time for creating space for women to rise. The rooms and the process allow for maximum 25 women. Each encounter has a theme that will lead the impulses for change and also go across the food, the drinks and the conversations.

The encounters will guide the women out of a stagnant situation that does not allow them to fully express their fullest potential.

The gatherings always start at 18:00 and the programme runs until 21:00. Then there is an open end for those wishing to stay longer and network. Language will be a mix of English and German and has the slogan

Gute Gespräche gehen durch den Magen, den Geist, das Herz.

The encounters will be on Thursday 18 April and 16 May, Wednesday 19 June, 17 July, and 29 August 2024.



By attending the Women RISE day retreat

A day long gathering for 12 of the women that attended the Women RISE encounters in Vienna for a deep dive to embody the process and to make a concrete step for women empowerment. The  inner processes is based on the Women RISE approach (Magen-Geist-Herz) and uses the power of pure essential oils as transformation guides. There will be then a possibility of individual and group coaching for women willing to go further with this approach.

The Women RISE one day retreat will be run twice, 3 and 4 October 2024, venue to be confirmed.


By downloading and using the Women RISE Handbook

The Women ROSE Handbook features the Women RISE approach and it gives a comprehensive and actionable material for setting up women circles. The Women RISE Handbook also features the deep intention to bring to the world more empowerment for women and contributing to a more just society, more connected with nature.

Simply sign up for the alp-newsletter or follow us on Instagram or Facebook or connect with Paola Bortini.

This project is funded with the Erasmus+ contract 2023-1-ES01-KA210-ADU-000152327 and is running from December 2023 until December 2024.

The project “Women RISE” is a cooperation between alp activating leadership potential and 2 other training institutions


This project is powered by dōTERRA essential oils.